Honey Bear 250g
Organic blossom honey 250g
Thomas Zelenka’s Honey Bear is filled with organic blossom honey and particularly suitable for children, because the honey can be dispensed easily and without making a mess. As the Honey Bear is very easy to refill, packaging waste can be avoided and the fun can last even longer! Did you know that organic blossom honey contains about 270 valuable substances and is therefore one of the healthiest foodstuffs?
“If the bees are doing well – then people are also doing well” – yes, bees are a great blessing. Even as a small boy, Thomas Zelenka accompanied his grandfather to the beehives behind his house in Styria. When grandfather centrifuged the honey and then filled the jars with the thick, fragrant liquid, they were both blissfully happy. Many years later, Thomas Zelenka has turned his passion into a profession and made a name for himself as an urban beekeeper. His beehives are located in Vienna and the surrounding area, on rooftops and in gardens and parks.